Sunday, May 29, 2011

Be a tourist in your own home state.

I'm always amazed at people who were born and grew up in the state they live in, but never really seen anything other than your local amusement parks. I was just talking to a friend who grew up in California and he asked me if I had anything planned for the Memorial Day Weekend. I told him that I probably just drive up the coast and stop by Solvang (just one of many places that I will stop and visit along the way to solid plans). I was surprised when he asked me where Solvang was, yet he has been outside California doing the tourist thing.
My point is, before you start traveling outside your state, be a tourist in your own state. I live in San Bernardino County and I can't tell you how many people I know, who has never been to Big Bear and ride the people mover during spring, summer or fall. All they know is the club scene on weekends and when Monday arrives, work.
I own a firearms training company in California, but one of my passion is traveling. I'm constantly around firearms and people who own firearms. Everyone needs some kind of outlet outside what they do on the daily basis. Take a drive to different mall, rather than go to the same mall over and over again. We need a change of scenery once in a while or things start to get dull and next thing you know, you find yourself just sitting at home throughout the whole weekend.
To a lot of people, days off are used to sleep in. For me, I used days off to keep my mind away from and break the monotony of my daily routine. I have learned how to work to live, not live to work.


  1. So true! The state may be broke but it is one of the most beautiful of all 50. It is always good to break the pattern. For example, I have friends who are competitive strongman athletes, MMA fighters and just gym rats. Today, they did something entirely different; they competed in a sport they have little or no training or experience in-the Scottish Highland Game and everyone had a blast. Life is too short to always take the road most travelled. I look forward to reading of your travel adventures. BTW, I am planning on doing my first wilderness bare bones, no frills camping trip this year.

  2. You're right Mark. Just driving along the coast on Highway 1 is relaxing, at least for me. There ahve been weekends when I just get in my car and drive north and stop by Santa Barbara, Monterey, Moro Bay and San Simeon.
    I will be sharing all my road trips in this blog from now on, hoping to encourage people to go back in time when driving was an adventure. Today, most people brag about how fast they drove to San Francisco or to Vegas, missing all nice places along the way.
